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vanderpump rules



I was talking with some guy I know a few days ago and since we can’t possibly spend all our time disagreeing over whether or not Donald Trump is a demonic entity created by scientists strung out on PCP in a frigid laboratory in the wilds of Siberia who were tasked with birthing something that would one day bring about the total extermination of civilized society, we eventually moved on to the topic of Vanderpump Rules.  (For the record, I think my Siberian laboratory theory makes quite a bit of sense.  It certainly makes more sense than a president-elect waving away intelligence briefings because he’s decided that he’s already smart.) Anyway, the gist of the conversation I had with this person was about how long Vanderpump Rules could possibly stay on the air with this particular cast and I laughed hard when he asked me this question and then replied that I was relatively certain the only way some of these people would ever leave this show would be in a straightjacket or in a body bag. 

I get what he’s saying, though.  I understand when he wonders aloud about how many more lies about dick-sucking Lala can possibly tell and how many more pairs of sunglasses Jax can potentially steal and how many more ways James can act like a half-witted troglodyte who’s been stricken with scurvy.  Surely, this guy posited to me, viewers will eventually stop tuning in to watch the same idiots doing the same idiotic things – and, he added, wouldn’t this cast want to walk away from this reality television purgatory at some point?  It was that last question I spent some time considering, even before I saw a link to an interview some very brave person did with Kristen in which she revealed how she would love to be on this show for at least five more years.  Stop and think about that for a second.  Kristen has already been on this show for five seasons and she’d like to go ahead and double that time and she seems to have absolutely no hesitation about remaining on a program that has already gleefully captured her doing the following:

·      Admitting she slept with Jax (Sandoval’s best friend) while her boyfriend (that would be Sandoval) slumbered peacefully in the next room, totally unaware that his best friend and his girlfriend were boning on the couch.  Oh, and Jax was Stassi’s boyfriend at the time – and Stassi was one of Kristen’s dearest friends.

·      Upon finally coming clean with Stassi that she indeed nailed her boyfriend – the same awesome guy who screamed “You came three times!” at her while they all stood in a crowded bar – Kristen got backhanded hard across the face in public and on camera.  At least Stassi’s a necklace kind of girl.  Had she been wearing statement rings, Kristen would’ve been sliced in three. 

·      Once Sandoval finally harnessed the good judgment that allowed him to cut the bonkers-crazy woman from his life, he chose to move on with Ariana.  Did Kristen accept his choice with anything resembling dignity? No, my friends, Kristen is allergic to dignity because someone once told her it has gluten in it so she instead all but drew maps showing the exact location of where she would eventually bury Ariana’s body. She begged to go on vacations with people who hate her.  She flew in some random chick from Miami who claimed she hooked up with Sandoval while he was in a relationship with Ariana and then she brought the girl into SUR and sat back to watch the carnage she so jubilantly created.  She probably slept atop a pillowcase that was covered with some of Sandoval’s petrified semen.  She showed up at her old apartment where Sandoval still lives to “pick up her mail” while outfitted in some plunging halter dress that was the color of emerald green desperation.

·      Not having inflicted nearly enough harm upon society with her own bullshit machinations, she then brought James into our lives because the lunatic living near her cerebral cortex once whispered late at night that nothing says “perfect rebound guy” like some scrawny loser who tells himself hourly how special he is because he knows deep down nobody else will ever say it to him for as long as he lives.

·      She fucked James on the hood of a car after he called her a whore and spit a gigantic ball of phlegm on her front door.

·      She finally got herself fired from SUR after recommending that one of her managers go suck a dick.

·      She apparently keeps a fake engagement ring in one of her dresser drawers at all times.

Can you even imagine what the next five years will involve?  (Just so we’re clear, anyone who has their money on a séance that ends with rivulets of blood dribbling out of Ariana’s eyes while a raven wearing a romper crawls out of a cauldron and nestles itself against Kristen’s bony shoulder needs to get in line.  I made the call first, motherfucker.)



We're already five weeks into this season of Vanderpump Rules and I think we can all agree that watching this show is nothing short of an edifying experience. Sure, it’s possible that you have to view it while being somewhat high in order to suss out all the hidden messages revealed so very subtly by the show’s pretend stars, but as someone who happens to be just a little bit high, I can personally attest to the fact that I have learned a great deal of important life lessons in this last month alone from a group of people who are not just servers, bartenders, and horribly flawed human beings; they are teachers, too, dammit.

In no particular order of importance (because every last one of these lessons is as essential as a fucking proverb), here is what I have internalized in only thirty days’ time:

·      While I have been a bridesmaid several times, I very clearly now realize that not one of those brides ever truly cared about me.  Never once was I asked to be in a wedding party courtesy of some inflatable craft project! And don’t even get me started about the way my “dear” friends didn’t even consider shoving protein up their coochies before serving it to me as part of a meal.  What, I ask, were all of my years of loyalty even for

·      When it comes to power rankings, things have shifted seismically.  It used to be that Presidents of Production and CAA agents and venture capitalists once ran things around Los Angeles, but times have changed.  These days, nothing has more clout than being a DJ in a mediocre restaurant.  Also, simply holding earphones against your scalp means you’re a rock star.  (Important caveat to consider here: In order to buy this theory, you must be a fucking moron.)

·      Don’t worry if your controlling and blatantly judgmental behavior once caused your entire gaggle of friends to slice you out of their lives like you were a walking melanoma.  Not only will your banishment not last forever, but once you scuttle and slither your way back in, you will eventually get to dictate who is allowed to remain in the group!  (Important caveat #2:  Such a rule can only be put into effect if your entire group of friends still behaves like the kind of middle school girls MTV would happily create a show around.)

·      When you’re out at a bar and you want to get – and keep – a man’s attention, start quoting lines from Caddyshack.  (I realize this little suggestion has nothing whatsoever to do with Vanderpump Rules, but as it does fall under the umbrella of important life lessons I’ve learned since this season began, I’ve decided it counts.)  Anyway, if the guy in front of you is sort of cute, feel free to mention something about gophers and it’s almost a guarantee that he’ll lean in.  But if the guy is full of scruff and hot as balls and you’ve already swallowed some vodka that was served to you in a science beaker instead of a regular glass, just own it and tell him, “It’s in the hole.”  (You’re welcome in advance for the breakfast you will not have to pay for the following morning.) 

·      Back to what we have learned about life from the Vanderpumpers:  Camouflage is very important when you feel exposed and that’s probably why every single time Lala makes yet another enemy, she reacts by piling on even more makeup.  I mean, you can practically chisel into her skin by now. If she ever fully loses James, my guess is the chick will start wearing prosthetic noses and chins.

·      Kristen can appear relatively sane so long as she’s sitting beside a bride positively riddled with rage issues, potential alcoholism, a completely petrified fiancé, and a very tragic nose ring.  In fact, Kristen should probably only go places with Katie from this point forward because she’s looking almost lucid in comparison. 

·      There’s an excellent chance that if you announce early in the season that you and your newly-sober husband are happier than ever and that you arrived together at a party by riding a unicorn over a rainbow of bliss, you will also probably be announcing your divorce before even half the episodes of the season have aired.  This, you see, is the reality TV equivalent of Chekhov’s theory about waving around a gun around in Act I. Just like that gun’s bound to go off before the final curtain descends, the marriage in question is bound to implode sooner rather than later – and we all knew it would happen, even before Scheana gave TMZ an exclusive quote.



I realize there are a bunch of people who are tremendously busy right now counting the millions of votes that were apparently cast by illegal immigrants who are in fact so magical that they don’t even exist outside of the confines of our President-elect’s deranged mind, but when those recounts are finally complete, I have another quick assignment I’d like this detail-oriented group to perform.  I’m not all that savvy when it comes to knowing things about geography, but I’m hoping it won’t be too inconvenient for a couple of them to hop from Wisconsin over to California and find some definitive answers that can be backed up with empirical data to finally explain the reason for James Kennedy’s very existence on this already-suffering planet.  Seriously, I want to see graphs and shaded charts as part of the explanation process because otherwise it will be very hard for me to believe that this idiot wasn’t created in a laboratory by a group of reality television producers who were coming down from a night filled with strippers and blow and accidentally engaged in an experiment that sadly went fucking berserk.



An article appeared on US Weekly’s website this weekend entitled, Scheana Shay:  25 Things You Don’t Know About Me.  Someone posted a link to it on Twitter along with the words, “#1: WHO SHE IS” and I laughed and briefly mourned a life that might have been mine had I not allowed myself to be seduced by Bravo, the most beckoning and alluring of all the cable sirens.   I clicked on the article and learned the scintillating information that Scheana has a birthmark on the iris of one of her eyes and that she loves tacos, but what wasn’t explored in that kind of banal list format was anything about who this girl actually is or what it is that she really longs for in life.  Yes, I will go ahead and agree right now with those of you who are screaming, “She wants FAME, dummy!” at your computer screens because nobody would go on one of these shows if he or she didn’t crave attention and I think we can all definitively say that Scheana was one of those people who stared hard at herself in the mirror every night back when she was in high school and wondered if just being pretty would lead to people across the globe knowing her name or if she’d actually have to work really hard and develop some sort of a talent.  Luckily for her, she came of age during an era in which talent hardly even matters anymore.



When I was a little girl, one of my favorite bedtime stories was It Could Always Be Worse.  Basically a cautionary tale to prevent children from morphing into fatalistic assholes after suffering a minor setback, the story reiterated again and again that no matter how tragic things appear in the moment, one must consider the blessings that still exist and remain aware that the sky could always open up and toxic rain could fall upon us like unceasing tears so we’d better embrace the positives in life as often as possible.  Looking back, I realize that my parents were attempting to teach me the art of looking at misery through a lens of optimism, but now I think perhaps they would have served me better had they just whipped out their divorce papers and read me details about custody arrangements as I drifted off into a REM cycle.  While my sleep might have been less restful than that of the average five year old, perhaps the knowledge that sometimes it can’t get any worse would have better equipped me for my eventual exposure to people like James and Jax and Lala, human beings who manage to surprise me in the very worst ways each and every time they appear on my television screen.

As I’ve been raised to look at the bright side, allow me to say that the first episode of the season contained some minor evidence that these idiots have finally made the tough choice to periodically exercise some restraint when it comes to their capacity for terribleness.  Sure, James and Lala pointed at Katie in public and then announced that she’s fat, but I guess they could have just shot her.  And fine, Jax is the one going around starting rumors that his own girlfriend enjoys chomping box during her drunkest hours, but he could have convinced her to leave her entire life behind in Kentucky and move to Los Angeles and get a job at a restaurant you have to sign a release to enter and become friends with people like Kristen and…yeah, I can’t pull this one off.  Being with Jax has to suck entirely. But at least I attempted to look on the sunny side.  Unfortunately, I was not able to fully see those beams of brightness because I got sidetracked by the sight of James curled up in a fetal position because he’s in his twenties and his parents are getting a divorce. Thank goodness for Lala and the Range Rover her married boyfriend gifted her for no reason other than the fact that she is the most fun bitch on this or any other planet.  Gifts like that with no strings attached to them whatsoever show us there is still some good left in this world.



We really can’t blame the Mayans.  Back in those stark pre-Google/pre-proper hygiene days, they predicted the world would implode in 2012 and then they chiseled that prophecy on cave walls – or at least I figure they chiseled that shit, but I don’t really know for sure since I often cut Social Studies in high school and I think the unit on the Mayans might have been covered on one of the days I chose to go hang out in someone’s basement.  Anyway, my point is that they could not possibly have known back then what would go down during forty-eight hours in November of 2016.  Had they known, perhaps they would have pushed the expiration date of our universe forward four years.  But how could those sweet Mayans even have imagined that there would be two sequential days in late autumn that would singlehandedly illustrate the potential and total collapse of rational society as we know it?  How could they have even fathomed that on the second of those days there would be an election held in which a lifelong politician swathed in the scent of corruption would battle it out against a blustering-sexist-racist-non-taxes-releasing-blame-the-media-unless-that-media-is-covered-by-Alex-Jones-xenophobic monster?  In what universe that makes any sort of sense would the Mayans have predicted that the race would actually be close?  And even if they could have seen all the way into our terribly bleak present, could even the most cynical of all the Mayans ever have guessed that on the evening before this toxic waste dump of an election took place the newest season of Vanderpump Rules would premiere?



There are some beliefs I will simply never abandon:

1. Just because you are good and decent to someone does not mean that you will receive the same kindness in return.

2. With the availability of so many choices in undergarments, there is absolutely no excuse anymore for having a visible panty line.

3. Coconut oil can be brought in to solve almost any beauty crisis known to man.

4. The most monumental events deserve a party – and every good party should have a theme.

It was with these undeniable certainties splashing around my head that the idea came to me: I should throw a party to commemorate the last episode of Vanderpump Rules! I got to work immediately. A multitasker by nature, I prepared for the festivities by swishing coconut oil inside of my mouth for ten minutes straight all the while wearing a nude-colored thong that will not show through a single garment I own.  As the disgusting mixture cleaning my teeth began to froth and foam, I made some choices about party details:

o Obviously, the invitation will begin with a wardrobe decree.  All of my guests must show up in a crop top or they will not be permitted through the front door – and I don’t even care if that means I will lose out on a few hostess gifts.  These crop tops are the only way I see fit to appropriately honor Scheana and I’ll be damned if anyone shows up with a fully covered tummy!

o I think it’s always a nice touch to serve a signature cocktail.  The one I’ll be offering up will have a ring of crushed Adderall lining the rim of the glass because if you think the cast of this show is not constantly hyped up on that shit – or something even whiter – you too are high.

o Music always creates a vibe and I shall spin James’ PUMP CD on repeat.  Not only will this choice be a lovely way to recognize what James has called the greatest achievement in his pathetic life, but it will also guarantee that I’ll get rid of all of my guests at a decent hour because my assumption is that some of them will hightail it off the premises to get away from that noise and a few will even fake their own deaths just to get me to press mute for a second.

o As for the décor, I will obviously have humongous posters of Scheana festooned across my walls so we can all feel for a moment what it’s like to be stuck in her living room. See, I am a hostess who wants to craft not just a party, but an experience.

o I’ll be serving appetizers and desserts.  Though some think they’re gauche, pigs n’ a blanket are coming out of my kitchen along with fried goat cheese balls, the only item on SUR’s menu I’ve ever heard mentioned.  For dessert, there will be a cake in the shape of Lala’s tits because the poetry that falls from the lips of our favorite fun bitch is always worth paying attention to and she did, after all, recently opine that every occasion is appropriate for her tits to come out. I think that means her mammaries should thus be immortalized in buttercream.



The stunning news that the Vanderpump Rules reunion will not in fact be concluding this week as I’d expected but will instead be stretched out into a three-part fiasco of semi-epic proportions sent me into a cataclysmic form of shock from which I might never recover. Do you realize what this means? It means that someone in the position to make key programming decisions at Bravo said aloud, "Let's devote another hour to people who have no talent other than being blandly provocative!" It means that there will be full segments listed on the production schedule like “Stassi & The Dildo” and “James Likes It When People Suck On His Skinny Bullshit Arms.”  It also means that I will surely have to one day dig myself a subterranean bunker stocked only with the work of Flannery O'Connor just so I can finally detox myself of the arid memory of these dicks pontificating about nothing at all by reading about subjects that are less grotesque than the Vanderpumpers – and O'Connor's work is pretty fucking grotesque.

The truth of the matter is I've always enjoyed entertainment that is somewhat perverse. One of my favorite stories of all time is A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner's southern gothic tale that weaves obsession, a corpse or two, and strands of long grey hair left stuck in a hairbrush and it's all told in a nonlinear fashion that grabs the reader and makes her confront the very depths of depravity. (Since she's best known for her dramatic roles, perhaps Kristen can star in the movie adaptation!) That said, when I moved on in my literary exploration of the southern masters and procured myself a copy of O'Connor's Wise Blood, a novel about a preacher who spreads the gospel about how there is no God on street corners while wearing a ratty suit that was described so vividly I could smell it (it smelled like mothballs mixed with rotting cauliflower in my mind), it was all a bit too much for me. I needed a calming break from all the visceral misery and horror the words drew forth, so I rented I Spit On Your Grave and watched it on a loop until I felt safe again.

What commonalities exist between the work of literary geniuses who craft sentences so vibrant that they can haunt you for decades and the cast of Vanderpump Rules? Absolutely fucking nothing – except for two things: 1) a character's name and phone number in Wise Blood is written in a bathroom stall in much the same way I'm guessing Lala's is (how else would those countless businessmen who whisk her across the globe know how to find her?) and 2) the books and this show make my stomach turn and lead me to question what happens to one's soul in the long run after exposing it to such filth in the short run. But the difference between literature about grotesque people dancing through a grim world and people like James and Jax and Lala and Kristen is that these people are real. They walk amongst us. And, despite watching their own horrific behavior for the last few years play out across the sizzle of our airwaves, they have not learned a blessed thing. 




You know what’s so satisfying about a reality television reunion show?  It’s the way the participants, who behaved all season long like witless troglodytes experimenting with crack addiction, finally take some responsibility for all of their questionable actions.  The accountability they are now so willing to express is likely due to having watched themselves acting like barely evolved human beings – because you too are on crack if you believe these people don’t watch this show every single week – and learning to reconcile that they (at best) have come off as supremely foolish and (at worst) have come off as fucking imbeciles.  Yes, that’s why it was so gratifying as a viewer of this show to bare witness to Kristen standing up and announcing, “Though I am five feet nine inches tall and fabulous, I am also clearly insane!  I have blamed other people for all of the problems that have plagued me for my entire life!  These patterns of being banned from places and events squarely come back to my own repulsive actions!  I should not wear rompers!  I am choosing a new path for my future and it leads first to a white padded room where professionals will nod soothingly at me every single time I glance up and tackle me if I try to escape!” 

You think that was comforting to hear?  How about the moment when Jax – who brought his own blotting papers to deal with his little sweating issue – admitted that he is definitely a sociopath and might now be willing to maybe entertain a future where he doesn’t tarnish the lives of those around him for profit and sport?  And how spectacularly sweet was it when Ariana stood up and cheered after he said that and then bounded across the set to give him a gigantic hug to illustrate her absolute belief that what he was saying wasn’t just another lie?  (It was also totally kind when he complimented her natural tits and softly whispered that it turns out that silicone is not the number one thing that makes a woman interesting.)  And don’t even get me started on the joy I felt when James broke down in racking sobs and serenely declared, “I am a wimpy piece of hamster shit and the worst dressed man in this entire country.  I have allowed the headphones I wear as a DJ in a small restaurant to deafen me into believing that I am desirable.  I have behaved atrociously and, as penance, I will return immediately to England where I shall live inside of a ditch that resides on the grounds of a monastery until the monks can no longer stomach looking at me.  I’m so sorry, everyone, for the disaster that is my life.”  

Oh, the breakthroughs the Vanderpumpers achieved by being put on the spot by Dr. Andy Cohen – who did his dissertation on the strategies needed to fuel narcissism in dickheads – were nothing short of awe-inspiring and I for one feel like I have just come out of a ten-day mediation retreat where cell phones were turned off, “bravo” was only a word and not a channel that turns nobodies into pretend-stars, and levels of awareness were achieved by even the biggest dumbasses stomping around this fair planet.

Alas, I’m sort of devastated to have to admit that the above description was just an awesomely vivid fantasy; not a bit of that actually transpired on Part 1 of the Vanderpump Rules reunion. Still, I’ve been reading up a bit lately on the concept of Stoicism and I believe the ideas inherent in this Hellenistic school of thought are finally beginning to seep in.  See, the theory behind Stoicism is that one can train oneself to endure all aspects of grueling pain and crippling hardship without complaint.  Not only that, but ultimately those who master these techniques will even be able to experience pleasure and remain indifferent.  I’m not particularly interested in that part of it – and the men I know well seem to enjoy that I’m rather vocal when it comes to indicating that I’m being pleased – but how much calmer would life as we know it be if you could stumble through the symbolic fire and not even allow yourself to feel the heat?  The way I see it, Vanderpump Rules – especially its never-ending reunion show where the cast continues to baffle me with their shock that Jax is a dick and their eye-rolling that Kristen is a real girl and not an extended acid trip gone very wrong – is a fucking inferno and, unless you can rewire your very soul to not feel stunned and offended by this group’s collective lack of humanity, something important within you will corrode and die.  



Let's talk about slashers, shall we? Yes, I’m referring to that illustrious group of grisly movies where nightmares happen all around Elm Street and severed limbs are doled out along with Milky Ways on Halloween.  Judge away, but I love those movies. Give me an omnipotent killer who never says a word as he preys upon suburban teenage archetypes in dark and isolated settings to the tune of a revving chainsaw as it slices into some nubile flesh, and I'll be a pretty happy girl.  

It wasn’t always this way.  I used to be normal.  In fact, I was the one who considered climbing out the window at slumber parties when The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was slid into the VCR after we’d grown tired of freezing the underwear of the poor girl who’d made the grave mistake of falling asleep first.  For me, the visual carnage of torture that always seemed to be shot in extreme close-up was enough to give me waking nightmares for weeks.  Friday the 13th was even tougher for me to take. I went to sleepaway camp, for fuck’s sake!  I did not need the mental association of a wandering masked psychopath attacking counselors reverberating around my brain when I’d soon have to spend eight weeks in a remote setting with nothing to use as a weapon besides a lanyard.  I mean, it was bad enough when they showed us Jaws on a rainy afternoon and then insisted that we jump into the lake for swimming lessons the next morning!  I really couldn’t afford to be terrified of hockey masks as well.

The thing is, despite my very real wariness of all things horror, I was oddly drawn to those movies.  I’d wander the aisles of Blockbuster with some Rob Lowe movie gripped in my hand, but I couldn’t help but check out the box covers in the Thriller section.  I must have picked up I Spit On Your Grave a zillion times to check out the hatchet the woman was holding as well as the tagline that indicated that she had every right to have viciously slaughtered four people.  Is that blood or dried small intestine on the tip of that hatchet? I’d wonder. I never rented I Spit On Your Grave while I was still in high school – I’d always chicken out – but I did eventually start enjoying the act of consuming cinematic fear.  I can still recall that freezing chill that spread inside of me as I watched The Silence of the Lambs and I realized that there was something very powerful and almost hypnotic about the coupling of atmosphere and certain shots – of mixing explicit fears with an implied brutal subtext – and I would marvel at the way a great filmmaker is able to invade the psyche of someone he’s never even met.

Then came senior year of college and a high-level Film Theory course that was one of the last requirements for my major.  For a class steeped in dense theoretical analysis, the professor elected to use all horror films as his visual texts.  I perused the syllabus the first day with a heady mix of anticipation and palpable dread – and my heart almost stopped dead when I saw that one of the movies I’d be required to watch was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.  I’d still never seen it, not a single frame, but it had morphed into something legendary in my mind, my very own blood-spattered white whale.

In somewhat of a daze, I went to the bookstore after class to pick up what was required and it was then that I first saw the book that would become one of my all-time favorites.  The cover – a mix of black background and red text the color of plasma – was emblazoned with a shot of Leatherface glaring beneath the title:  Men, Women, and Chainsaws.  I took the book home with me, crawled on top of my bed in my sorority house, and opened it with more trepidation than I probably would if I were invading someone’s diary.

By the time I finished chapter one, I was all fucking in.  The author delved into the violent terrain of slasher films in an effort to examine theories of representation and identification in cinema and every single movie she referred to became one I needed to see immediately.  My friends were good sports about my newfound obsession.  They were mostly Business or Education majors who were drawn to romantic comedies, but they’d sit beside me as I watched Sorority House Massacre in our living room. They would understand when I’d press pause and join them when they took a break to get a snack or follow them into the bathroom as they peed because they realized I was too scared to be left alone on the couch.  But while the movies still frightened me, I wasn’t really looking at them in the same way anymore.  I started to focus instead on the visual and thematic iconography of this gritty little subgenre known as “the slasher.”  I read my textbook carefully and recognized the signs of a killer ruled by psychosexual fury and began to see how his violent lashing out was, for him, a release that felt almost sexual.  I started to nod seriously and take notes while watching a shitty movie like Splatter University.  My friends would either be cowering behind throw pillows in fear or laughing at the horrible acting and the absurdity of a killer priest hiding a weapon inside of a crucifix while I couldn’t help but mutter to myself, “Girls always get killed onscreen and their deaths are shot at close range.”  I began to note how men often kicked the bloody bucket in rooms so dark that it was almost impossible to see the penetration of the killer’s weapon or that their deaths took place entirely off-screen.  I saw with clarity that female characters are mentally toyed with before the axe comes down and that there clearly is only one character a viewer is able to root for in the slightest.

The “Final Girl” – as coined by the author of Men, Women, and Chainsaws – is the survivor of the slasher.  She’s the only character we really know anything about and our knowledge of her likes and her dislikes and her fears are divvied out to us from the very start of the film.  She’s the one who is different from her friends:  she’s intelligent and thoughtful and she covers herself the hell up while the rest of the girls happily allow their clitorises to wave in the wind.  She’s the one who hears the strange noise and doesn’t think it’s just a storm, the one who never suggests that right now would be the perfect time to disrobe and take a shower.  She eventually stumbles over her friends’ body parts and she’s often got a unisex name and some stereotypically masculine energy because God forbid a universe of viewers form an identification with a classically feminine character.  She is not sexually active and she’s the one we will all root for until the bitter bloodstained end.

“Her name is Jessie!” I’d exclaim to the friend sitting beside me, the one I’d made watch yet another one of these movies. She’d be hiding her eyes behind her fingers while contemplating making new friends.  “Jessie is a unisex name!  She’s our Final Girl!”  

“You realize that you’re ruining the movie, right?” she would mumble.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I’d respond with a serene smile.  “It’s not like you didn’t know that the blonde chick named Tiffany would kick it the second you saw her.  She laughed about forgetting her chemistry textbook at school and you can see her nipples right through her tank top!  That chick is going down in no time.  I think she’ll be impaled by something like a spear!  What do you think?”  

My friend would respond by staring at me blankly.

“I think that I can’t believe you are getting a degree in this bullshit,” she would respond seriously.

She had a point.

I think one of the reasons I eventually became so drawn to a genre I used to avoid like the flesh-eating plague was because of how satisfying it felt to apply the theory as I watched. Okay, I’d think to myself as the blades of a chainsaw ripped through a female character’s flesh.  This girl is dying because she’s trespassing unknowingly on the killer’s turf and because of the killer’s psychosexual fury.  She’s been coded as nothing but female and sexual since she first stepped onscreen and that’s why she’s a fucking goner.  There was a quiet simplicity to it all.  I liked that there could be zero discussion about which person to root for in one of these films.  The other entertainment I was typically drawn to was way more complex, populated by characters who were both benevolent and hideously flawed.  I didn’t love how conflicted I would feel when I’d start to care about a character who would lie or cheat or steal.  I had enough of a problem giving assholes passes in real life.

Speaking of assholes, I think one of the problems I have these days with a show like Vanderpump Rules is that I can find nobody with whom I want to fully identify.  If this series were a slasher, at this point I think I might have to cheer for the fucking chainsaw.